To celebrate the release of Andrew Brewis’ new CD published by CSPS ...‘LISTEN..for Thy voice’ we will be hosting an evening event as part of his “LIVE” tour.
Andrew will perform, play and sing songs from the CD and will be talking about his composing process, his God inspired life as a musician and also about music in our church services.
Andrew D Brewis stellt steine neue CD “Listen….for Thy voice” am Klavier vor.
Sonntag 15. September 2019, 15.30 Uhr
Ancshließend: Zusammensitzen,
Kaffee, Kuchen, Saft…
Alle sing herzlich willkommen!
Eintritt frei - Spende gerne
Veranstaltungsort: Christliche Wissenschaft, Paul-Robenson-Straße 45 - 10439 Berlin/Penzlauer Berg